Thursday, April 16, 2009

False teeth ?

Have you ever been in a cafe having a meal, and an old person sitting near by, gets a dirty hankie out and removes her false teeth, and cleans them with said dirty hankie, and then puts them back in her mouth?

You know you dont want to watch her doing this but you can%26#039;t drag your eyes away.

Also it%26#039;s not very good for your appetite.

False teeth ?
I watched a couple eating once and halfway through the meal the wife passed her teeth to her husband as they%26#039;d only got one set between them.
Reply:I don%26#039;t know about that but I have a habit of watching people eat. I%26#039;m always amazed at the antics of some people, give it a try. Do you know a lot of people put their tongue out and turn their heads to one side when putting food into their mouths.
Reply:eww did u order food after watchin tat eww EWW my two front teeth r false but cant come out got smashed wen i was 12 by 2 boys by accident and even if i cud take dem out id do in private wit sumat clean
Reply:Sorry, I know that what you say shouldn%26#039;t make me smile, but it does. I work all day, six days a week, with old people, and this is exactly the sort of thing they do, mainly because they are completely past caring, but also because they don%26#039;t always know that what they%26#039;re doing is not - well - hygienic.

One day it will be me ... and you ...
Reply:not to bad really,i see them eat a meal then take em out and lick the bits of them, know that sucks.

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