Thursday, April 16, 2009

False teeth?

I need data on getting false teeth, as I am thinking about them. From the start

to the end, Please...

False teeth?
I read your replies and feel you did not get the answer you were requesting. I hope I can help. Some people actually do well with dentures and other%26#039;s unfortunately do not. Your success with false teeth seriously will depend on the dental professional you choose. If your natural teeth are not savable then I recommend you find a %26quot;Prosthodontist%26quot; not a dentist. A Prosthodontist is a specialist in the field of replacement teeth. Often dentures do not fit well and the fault lies with the person or lab that created them. The uppers are generally not that difficult as there is more surface for the denture to rest on and the pallet allows for a suction to form. The lowers however are a total different story. They have very little surface to rest on and the mouth muscles cause the lower to dislodge either when speaking, smiling and eating. Many have to result in gluing them in with a dental adhesive.

See my smile in my avatar? That is my new smile. It isn%26#039;t dentures yet they are not my natural teeth, I have dental implants and a beautiful prosthesis bridge that attaches to the implants. I do not ever remove my teeth but clean them like one does with natural teeth. Floss and brush. I have 8 implants on top and 6 on the bottom that holds this whole piece unit. When I was where you were in the questioning stage I consulted many dental professionals before deciding the best route for me. I found that once the natural teeth are gone that the bone begins to deteriorate and that the only thing to save the bone was dental implants as they act just like the tooth roots.

I have not been sorry I got dental implants. If you do go the route of getting dentures. Do look into getting at least 2 lower implants to preserve you bone and hold you lower plate in place.

See the link below. It helped me decide what to do.
Reply:don%26#039;t get the wooden ones.
Reply:Whats wrong wit ur teeth? ask ur local dentist and see if they perform surgery (not really) for you getting false teeth.
Reply:good luck....becomeing the polygrip guy..
Reply:Only a dental professional looking in your mouth will be able to give you any valid information.
Reply:keep your real teeth.. then you wont spit them out at partys when you laugh
Reply:i recommend ivory teeth - they make you feel special.
Reply:i take it that u want to replace the lost teeth in that case , u have removable appliance s that are made with acrylic , and if u want the fixed ones then they are again available in acrylic , metal and the most esthetic one the ceramic ...and the more improved versions are implants they mimic your natural teeth that is they even have a root like portion which is fixed in the socket


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